Spring Snakes

Like the rest of the country I have been mostly working from home. But part of working at a botanical garden is watering plants, so we’ve been put on a rotation of watering plants and working on any other necessary items that need to be attended to. Because our natural areas trails have remained open they need to be periodically checked for fallen trees, erosion, or other things that may cause safety issues. Thursday was my day to check trails. I hadn't been out on the property much lately so I was excited to see what was going on. After crossing the creek I was greeted by the calls of Chorus Frogs in the nearby wetland. These small frogs are among the first to be out calling for mates. I slowly knelt down near the wetland when I heard one calling near me, it soon however ceased calling. Scanning the edge of the water and anything sticking out of the water, I could not find it. I moved on down the trail and as soon as the frogs of that wetland faded out of earshot, the frogs...