You don’t know exactly when the ‘Big Night’ is going to be, but it seems you can get a good idea a few days before it might happen. It’s supposed to be a night in March, potentially April, when the temperature is relatively warm, the humidity is high, and its raining. Last year, from what I gathered, there wasn’t a ‘Big Night’ or if there was, I definitely missed it and I didn’t hear about it. If you are wondering what the ‘Big Night’ is, that’s understandable, I didn’t know there was a name for it until last summer. It’s when the perfect conditions of weather I described above drives Salamanders to their breeding ponds. This is usually the best time to see many of the Mole Salamanders (Family Ambystoma) that spend much of their time underground and out of view. I was determined to get the right day this year and with the warm weather we had been having I was getting ready for it to be any night. I normally check the forecast pretty frequently, but knowing that the ’Big Night’ ...
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