About Me

Hi! I’m Chad Machinski, a self-described Naturalist. I currently reside in Southeast Michigan, where I work at Matthaei Botanical Gardens & Nichol’s Arboretum. My background is in horticulture and tree care and am an ISA Certified Arborist. Although my work focuses mostly on trees I enjoy all things nature. Always having an interest in reptiles and amphibians, I have begun to make more of an effort to actively seek them out. In addition to being a hobby herper, I have also started birding. With social media sites such as Instagram helping to show more people how beautiful all of these creatures are, I still felt that the most compelling way to get people interested in seeing and protecting them was to tell stories. I don’t consider myself a writer or a good story teller, but I am working hard to better my abilities.
Not only will I be telling stories directly from my life, but I also will be doing book reviews, and discussing conservation news.
My goal with this blog is to get people to learn something new about the world around them and to see that nature is something worth protecting. I hope that you enjoy it and please do send me your feedback!


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