Seeing the Swamp

The river was sandy, perfect for Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtles , well that’s what I had read at least; I had yet to see one. This was the herp I wanted to see most this summer and I had little faith that I would in fact get to see it. I assume most people would be shocked to know a turtle like the softshell occurs in Michigan, it is really unlike any other turtle that we have here. When you think of a turtle, you think of a creature with a hard shell and scaly skin; the Softshell group throws that notion out the window. Instead, they have a low profile, rubber like shell, webbed feet that enable them to swim faster than most fish, and a snorkel like nose; quite exotic seeming for Michigan. A quick scan of the river showed few logs or shoreline and no basking turtles whatsoever. We turned our attention to the trees for birds and continued on down the path. A hatchling Eastern Spiny Softshell Turtle ( Apalone spinifer spinifera ). Photo from Reptiles and Amphibians of the Great L...